Assessment for Interactive comic

Carlos Segovia

Uriel Morales


Assessment for Interactive Comic


In the interactive comic Uriel and I made a comic over two cars that were street racing. This was definitely one of the hardest things we have had to do in this class throughout the whole year. The project was very fun to do because Uriel and I decided to draw the scene and the cars. And I love to draw. We scanned the drawings and uploaded them on photoshop so they can get edited. The uploading was a bit confusing but we got it to work. And then we moved all the images to photoshop for final editing. As soon as we finished we tried to put the comic together but we unfortunately ran out of time. We would’ve been able to actually made it animate but we kept getting distracted during the class periods. We would love to do the project again but without getting distracted. Overall this was a very fun project and experience. 

By thatboycarlos

Project Proposal

To modify a car to make a custom car. To car is going to look nothing like the original car that I started working on. 

By thatboycarlos

Synopsis for comic

 The comic will be about a quarter back getting the winning touchdown for his team. The setting of the game will be at a football field. The main characters of the story will be Uriel and I. Uriel is going to be the wide receiver and I will be the quarter back of the football team. The game was tied and our team had the ball. We were 40 yards away from the end zone. We were nervous because it was the last minute of the game. I threw the ball after i called a hail marry and Uriel caught it and he ran it the whole way to the end zone to score a winning touchdown. Everyone was happy that our team had won the football game. 

By thatboycarlos

This project is interactive because it requires the reader to use the mouse in order to switch the pages. The comic also allows you to click on the bottom of the comic to learn more about the characters in the comic. And then it opens a different page that gives you all the information of the characters. The moving of the pages is the most interactive i would say because you have to click on the page and then drag the page to the other side as if it were a real book. In the comic people are also allowed to control the volume of the music in the project by controlling the volume in the bottom of the screen. It also gives you the choice to click on the characters and it opens a different comic for each character in the original comic. Overall I find this comic to be very interactive because it requires the reader to do a lot with the mouse in order to switch pages and to get to other comics.

By thatboycarlos

The court yard

The court yard

The court yard is more modern because it has a solar panel on the roof and its getting energy from the sun. and it has a good amount of good tress.

By thatboycarlos

The pavilion

The pavilion

The pavilion became more modern because it has turf now, and turf is used more in the new stadiums because its cheaper to maintain/replace.

By thatboycarlos